Why did I start Operation Coffee? Simple answer, I want to help. To elaborate further, I know what it means to feel so alone that you think that no one on earth could relate. I know that island all too well and no not that island feeling of sipping margaritas in a beach chair. It is that island where you feel like there isn’t anyone around you and all you see is darkness. That is a darkness that I would not wish on anyone. I started Operation Coffee because I wanted to let those who feel or have felt this way know that “I get it” and I am ready to listen. I might not know exactly what to do or have all the right words but my promise to you is that I will listen. This world can be a dark lonely place, no doubt about that, but there is joy to be had as well. I found my joy in my faith, in God alone. That’s where my identity lies because He is my constant despite my changing feelings. Not in what I did or what I am currently doing because those things fade away. I need you to be here today. Right now. Start the conversation. There is a lot of healing in a simple conversation over a cup of coffee.
Semper Fi,